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Feedback and Research Resources Hub

Getting started with your research project

Check out these handy resources which will help you prepare your survey for the best chance of success.

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Reveal deeper insights from your surveys 🔬

Create surveys that encourage people to share more with you. Typeform makes it easy to put your survey where it gets seen. You can add follow-up questions contextually, so you can go a layer deeper. Track performance with stats like completion rate.

4 easy steps to more survey responses

The main goal when building a typeform is, of course, to collect answers. Once you write down your questions and organize them into a survey, it’s time to add some improvements that can help you achieve higher response rates.

Meet the co-founder growing an online academy with Typeform

With Dana Barahona. Co-founder at APIsec University.

Dana Barahona

Webinars and workshops

Learn from the experts about how to do research with Typeform. Rewatch these webinars for free – no signup needed!