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How brands get personable and personalized with Typeform + HubSpot

Customers want more from the brands they give their data to—and choose businesses that create stellar experiences. But creating these experiences can seem like an impossible task. Enter the Typeform + Hubspot integration.

What is the difference between getting personable and getting personalized? As a brand, if you present yourself in a personable way—you appeal to people, you’re attractive, and you’re nice to be around. Most brands try to do that. Being personalized is more specific—you’re targeting a specific person, tailoring your message to an individual. This is difficult to do without proper information.

But if you start by being personable, you’re more likely to get the information you need to deliver something more personalized—like generating (and converting) strong leads. And that’s never been more important or challenging. People are far more savvy about marketers’ tricks of the trade. Quite simply, they know you want their data and expect more from you in return. 

What are they looking for exactly? That can vary, but the common thread is something that is—or at least feels—personalized. According to a recent McKinsey report, 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized experiences, with 44% willing to go elsewhere to get it

And that’s making loyalty harder to come by. Rather than stick to their favorite brands, people chop and change, with 75% of consumers trying a new product during the pandemic alone. It makes sense. Am I going to buy from a brand that just takes my data and runs with it or a brand that shows me it's using my data to do something clever and tailored to me? It’s going to be the latter.

The problem for brands is that today’s data and privacy-aware customers expect even the first interaction to feel more like a third or fourth. To achieve that ‘we’ve-met-before’ feeling, brands need to be personable and supercharge the process of getting to know people—be that cold prospects, warm leads, or existing customers. 

At the heart of this is data; you need to find out who your customers are, their wants and needs, and, ultimately, why they are a good fit for your brand. Getting access to this personal data to deliver personalized customer experiences is a time-consuming challenge, but if you want to survive in today’s market it’s fast becoming a necessity.

First, be personable 

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when attracting and evaluating a lead is forgetting that on the other end of that email address is a real person. Lead generation has long focused on data: collecting it; measuring it; and retargeting it. And while data remains vital, in most cases the data you’re currently collecting doesn’t paint the whole picture. 

Today’s customers are already wary of handing over personal information for nothing in return. To get the first-party data you need, you have to make sure you’re asking in a personable way.

As in any conversation—how, where, and when you speak to someone can be the difference between them opening up to you or shutting you down. If someone treats me like a person and talks to me in a friendly tone, I’m more likely to open up (think response rates). Even if that communication is automated, asynchronous, or not at all human. It should at least feel like it. 

And that’s what Typeform does. It enables you to reveal your brand’s human side through a beautiful user experience that mimics a friendly conversation and shows that you care about the people on the other end. In return, they are more likely to care about how they respond.

Ask (nicely), and you will receive (more and better responses). 

Then, get personalized 

Once you’ve got their information (the data), the real work begins, right? Wrong. Typically more data means more number-crunching and time-wallowing in spreadsheets, but what if I told you that you could populate your HubSpot CRM with Typeform responses without copy-and-paste? 

Typeform automatically connects with HubSpot so that data is organized for you. All of those unique responses and data points can instantly appear and power more personalized marketing experiences. And analyzing the performance of your marketing channels, campaigns, and even where revenue is coming from can be done at just the click of a button. 

And the benefits don’t only concern the data you’ve collected. Together, Typeform and HubSpot support faster and more personalized content creation. HubSpot can help you build personalized experiences and campaigns from the data you’ve collected and trigger emails to kick off the next step of the customer journey. This saves you time and makes the process of scaling up personalized content pain-free. 

We know getting personal works

Education company (and app) 100mentors used the Typeform + Hubspot integration to do just that. Before it brought in HubSpot, 100mentors copy-and-pasted Typeform responses into its CRM before using a lead scoring system to send leads to sales teams.

Now, with the integration, 100mentors has cut the time spent on data entry by 50% and can focus on using this data to create stronger, more personalized content for marketing and sales. And it has certainly paid off, with 100mentors boosting conversions by 20%.

The right time, the right place, the right tools

As technology advances, customers increasingly expect you to do something special with their data—should they choose to give it to you. The most successful personalized content has to reflect what your audience has told you about themselves (sometimes during that first interaction) and how they consume content.

Typeform and HubSpot will not only help you efficiently get the data you need, but the integration helps personalize and automate the process after the fact, so you can unlock your data’s value faster and with efficacy. That’s how you turn customers into loyal champions.

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