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5 marketing quizzes and surveys to help you collect more (and better) zero-party data

Google is turning off third-party cookies in its Chrome browsers, joining Apple’s Safari. Your next marketing move? Start collecting zero-party data.

When a customer fills out a pop-up survey after live-chatting with a support agent, that customer’s response is an example of zero-party data. And many of your marketing campaigns might soon depend on this data type.

Google is phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome in 2024 in response to growing consumer privacy concerns. A cookieless future means you’ll have to collect information directly from clients yourself (and customers will have to share it voluntarily). That information is called zero-party data.

Besides surveys, zero-party data comes from online forms, surveys, and quizzes. The challenge is incentivizing users to hand over this data.

Overcoming this challenge means optimizing your zero-party data collection points at each stage of the customer journey. Here are five engaging ways to do it.

1. Personalized product recommendation quiz

Personalized product recommendation quizzes capture more granular information about visitors by asking specific questions about their preferences.

In the case of an e-commerce beauty brand, a visitor who’s looking for a facial moisturizer might be looking for a product like this:

  • Contains SPF

  • Can (and should) be applied daily

  • Wasn’t tested on animals

  • Can be part of a 3-step skincare routine

Personalized product recommendation quizzes match visitors with products that fit their exact needs. Just be careful about asking too many questions. Our research shows fewer than 50% of visitors complete typeforms with more than six questions.

When visitors see a single product at the end of their quiz, they’ll have more confidence the product is the right one for them. They’ll be more likely to buy, and you’ll have more extensive (and reliable) customer data for personalization.

2. Online quote survey

Online quote surveys help future customers understand your pricing while you get valuable zero-party data on the customers.

In hyper-competitive industries like insurance, better pricing than the competition is often enough to attract customers. But even if your prices are a bit higher, you can use zero-party data to show customers why you’re still the better fit. With so much at stake, you need as many survey completions as possible. 

Aim for this balance when designing questions:

  • Include enough questions to give the customer confidence that the quote has a solid foundation; for example, someone looking for insurance wants specific types (car, health) and levels (family, individual) of coverage. Make sure the questions cover different buying scenarios.

  • Like product recommendation quizzes, try capping the number of questions at six. If you need to ask more to generate a quote, A/B test different lengths until you find the number most leads are willing to answer.

Customers who complete the survey get a twofold payoff. Including the quote in the confirmation email saves them the trouble of writing it down and possibly losing it. Plus, your follow-up emails can focus specifically on the types of products or services behind the quote.

3. Personality quiz

Personality quizzes are fun, engaging ways to collect zero-party data. Quiz takers “learn” something about themselves while you get valuable information. 

You can also use the opportunity to place products in front of your users. If you sell apparel, for example, recommend certain styles based on the taker’s personality. You might ask, “Which of the following describes your demeanor in meetings?”

  • “First one to speak” (bold and aggressive)

  • “Last one to speak” (reflective and thoughtful)

  • “Never speak” (shy)

“Bold and aggressive” answers might see a neon shirt. Shy answers might get a hoodie and sunglasses.

Here’s what you get as a marketer: 

  • Quiz taker’s contact information

  • Product ideas for follow-up emails

  • Extra brand reach if the taker shares results on social media

Another idea is to tease the quiz in your Instagram Stories or Reels, encouraging followers to visit your site, take the quiz, and give you their email address.

4. Mobile app survey

If you’ve recently launched an important app or app update, use a mobile app survey to turn zero-party data into product feedback. 

As soon as a user’s app session ends, give them the option of filling out the survey. The app experience will still be fresh in their minds.

Ask quantitative and qualitative (open-ended) questions about the update’s impact on performance, functionality, and the overall user experience. These might include:

  • Quantitative: On a scale of 0 (too difficult) to 5 (very easy), how easy is the app to use?

  • Qualitative: Which features would you like to see added to the app?

Say the “ease of use” questions consistently get answers of 0 or 1. In a future survey, ask questions that hone in on user experience. Make those answers the focus of future app updates. When users see that you care about their input, you earn their trust. They’ll be more likely to stick with you.

5. Post-event evaluation survey

A post-event evaluation survey collects zero-party data from event attendees and sponsors. It’s a good method to determine what to continue doing and what to try differently the next time.

Sponsors might have concerns about how the event was promoted, and consumers might have expected a better overall experience. Tackle each concern in your post-event evaluation survey questions. Here are some questions worth asking:

  • How did you hear about the event?

  • Did you think the event was the right length?

  • On a scale of 1 (strongly disliked) to 5 (strongly liked), how would you rate the keynote speaker?

Questions asking for ratings are quantitative. These question types make data analysis less of a lift and give you more actionable feedback. If 60% of survey takers disliked the keynote speaker, for example, another quantitative question can find out why. Ask them to rate the sound quality, position of the stage, and the relevance of the topic, among other things.

Collect more (useful) zero-party data with Typeform

Our cookieless future is almost here. And if you haven’t started collecting zero-party data, fear not. With Typeform, get up and running quickly with our easy-to-install and fun-to-complete surveys and quizzes.

Whether you run a B2C or B2B company, Typeform’s surveys and quizzes adapt to your brand’s colors and voice. Your customers will think they’re natural extensions of your site or app. You’ll get the data you need while staying on brand.

Try Typeform for free today, and learn firsthand how it can convert visitors into customers.

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