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3 benefits of using customer feedback for product-led growth

Customer feedback can fuel product-led growth by guiding innovation and improving user experiences. Here's how to harness this feedback to stay ahead in a customer-centric market.

User needs are always evolving—to the point where it can feel hard to keep up. In this customer-centric environment, product-led growth (PLG) has emerged as a pivotal strategy for businesses across industries. 

In contrast to marketing-led growth, where traditional marketing activities and campaigns are the primary drivers of growth, PLG is a strategy where the product itself drives customer acquisition, retention, and expansion. This approach aligns product development with market needs and empowers users to become advocates for the brand. 

The key to unlocking PLG’s potential for your company lies in one critical element: customer feedback. From understanding the nuanced preferences of your users to identifying friction points that may deter their experience, the insights you gain through customer feedback are invaluable. 

Leveraging customer feedback—through intuitive and well-designed surveys and forms—is about tapping directly into what users want and need. It’s about making sure every part of your product hits the mark. From sharpening up the user experience to making informed, data-backed decisions, it’s how businesses can keep their products not just relevant but essential for their customers.

1. Enhanced product development and innovation

The goldmine of insights you get from customer feedback can help you tweak, innovate, and sometimes even pivot your product to make it something they can’t live without. In fact, more than a third of companies consider their customers to be their “most important innovation partners.” 

PLG relies more heavily on customer advocacy than traditional sales or marketing for growth. As your product evolves to meet user needs better, satisfied customers are more likely to become advocates for your brand. They’re apt to be more willing to share their positive experiences, which can attract new users organically. 

Imagine finding out that users are clamoring for a feature you hadn’t thought of or that a small change could make a world of difference in their day-to-day lives. That’s the power of feedback: it turns guesses into smart moves, ensuring your product stays on the cutting edge and truly resonates with your audience.

By integrating feedback directly into product development and innovation, you ensure that your product meets ‌current market demand and anticipates future needs. This proactive approach to product enhancement makes your offering more appealing to potential users and can significantly increase adoption rates. 

Ask customers questions about your features and product in general: 

  • What is the one feature you wish our product had that it currently does not?

  • Have you encountered any issues while using our product? If so, please describe them.

  • How can we improve our product to better meet your needs?

  • Which existing features do you find most valuable, and why?

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate our product's current innovation level?

  • What would make you use our product more frequently?

At Typeform, we use the Voice of the Customer (VoC) to guide our product’s evolution. Using customer feedback allows us to exceed user expectations and naturally foster brand growth and advocacy.

2. Improved user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) 

Using feedback to improve UX/CX directly impacts product-led growth efforts by enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement. A seamless, intuitive, and enjoyable customer experience encourages continued use, reduces churn, and fosters organic growth through word-of-mouth recommendations.

When users share their journeys, they can highlight what’s working and what’s not, from the smallest hiccup in navigation to the overall feel of your digital landscape. This insight is like a compass, pointing you directly to ‌opportunities where your product can become more intuitive, more enjoyable, and, ultimately, more indispensable to your audience.

Say you learn from users that a particular process could be simplified, or you discover they prefer a different layout. This is where feedback evolves from mere data to actionable insights, enabling you to refine and perfect your product so every interaction is positive. 

Surveys can give you deeper insight into people’s experiences as users and customers of your brand. To improve UX/CX for your brand, you can ask questions like: 

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy is it to navigate our product?

  2. Did you experience any frustration while using our product? Please explain.

  3. How satisfied are you with the overall experience our product provides?

  4. What changes would make your experience with our product more enjoyable?

  5. How likely are you to recommend our product based on your experience?

  6. What's one thing you would change about the product interface?

The goal is to actively seek out and apply user feedback that pinpoints friction areas, uncovers hidden needs, and highlights opportunities for engagement so that every interaction is designed to meet and exceed user expectations.

Keeping your UX surveys clear, concise, and engaging will yield you higher completion rates and more trustable insights.

3. Stronger competitive differentiation

Nearly three-quarters of people say they’ll leave a brand for its competitor after multiple poor interactions. This fact alone makes feedback a powerful tool for achieving stronger competitive differentiation. Feedback provides direct insights into what makes your product unique. It informs you whether your product is more aligned with customer needs than your competitors. 

By gathering market- and product-related customer feedback, you can easily identify and amplify your best features, services, or user experiences that users find most valuable and not readily offered elsewhere. 

For instance, if feedback reveals that customers appreciate a specific feature for its ease of use or innovative approach, you can double down on these aspects in your development and marketing efforts. This not only enhances your product’s appeal but also positions it as a superior choice in the market.

Differentiation is not just about standing out. It’s also about delivering value that precisely matches your users’ needs to drive preference and loyalty in a crowded market—key factors for sustaining and accelerating PLG.

Consider these questions when you’re trying to strengthen your competitive differentiation:

  1. What makes our product stand out from similar options you’ve tried?

  2. Are there features you feel are unique to our product? What are they?

  3. How well does our product meet your needs compared to competitors?

  4. What persuaded you to choose our product over others?

  5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the uniqueness of our product?

  6. What additional value do you wish our product offered that you haven't found elsewhere?

Use customer feedback to spotlight and enhance your product’s unique features and user experiences. Then, you’ll be able to position as the top choice among competitors by directly addressing the specific needs and preferences of your users.

Use forms & surveys to drive more meaningful feedback from customers

Understanding and acting on customer feedback is not just beneficial to product-led growth—it’s essential. It helps ensure that every step taken is in the right direction toward meeting and exceeding user expectations.

To translate your customer input into actionable insights and meaningful product improvements, the right feedback tools are crucial. This is where intuitive platforms like Typeform come into play, offering a seamless—and aesthetically appealing—way to gather, analyze, and act on the feedback you collect. With its user-friendly design and powerful analytics, Typeform is more than just a tool; it's your partner in crafting customer-centric experiences with your product.

Ready to take your product-led growth strategy to the next level? Discover how Typeform can transform your approach to collecting and leveraging customer feedback. Dive into a world where every form, survey, and questionnaire is an opportunity to connect deeply with your users and drive your product forward. Get started today—it’s free!

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