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The registration form that guides LAUNCH’s investments

Their mission: support founders and inspire innovation. And with an event that doubles as a Sharktank for startups, every attendee counts.

In a nutshell

  • ChallengeHow does the world's largest startup event bring together top founders and investors?
  • SolutionAn embedded registration form that collects payments and doubles as a qualified lead generator—all while staying on brand.
  • Result: Over 15,000 event registrations per year, and insights into promising investment opportunities.

Bets vs. investments

Ever placed a bet on a sport you know nothing about? Yeah, me neither.

LAUNCH doesn’t place bets. They make investments. The small venture capitalist firm—which also produces a newsletter and podcast with 60 million downloads—has backed success stories including:

And a roll like this doesn’t happen by chance. They host LAUNCH Festival, the largest startup event in Silicon Valley. It’s where they meet founders face-to-face before making any moves.

Over 15,000 people and 250 startups attend LAUNCH Festival every year, giving investors a chance to hear pitches from the freshest startups firsthand. Think Coachella meets Shark Tank.

But how does LAUNCH know which startups it should keep an eye on before meeting them?

It’s all in the registration.

Finding founders

Meet Presh Dineshkumar. Presh runs LAUNCH Festival’s marketing, so his main job is getting people to come to the events. But they’re a small team, so he dabbles across the board.

He runs paid ads and uses LAUNCH’s healthy mailing list to direct people to their website when it’s time to promote their next event.

And when someone’s ready to buy a ticket, they see this. Click the ‘Purchase a Ticket’ button to see how it works (no payment necessary):

Pretty fancy for a registration form, right? For the uninitiated, it’s a typeform. Here’s how Presh made it look so fresh:

We changed all the text, font, and backgrounds to match the brand on our website. We always embed it, as it looks great.
Presh Dineshkumar, Head of Marketing at LAUNCH

Taking extra care with their form means a better experience for attendees. Which is important, because when it comes to registration forms, completion rates are everything.

People enjoy using Typeform. The flow is nice, and the design looks great. If the experience is seamless, the user is happy.
Presh Dineshkumar, Head of Marketing at LAUNCH

But it’s not just good looks that Presh is after. His typeform is hooked up to Facebook pixel so he can see which of his ads convert attendees. And there’s more.

Ready for a very smart idea?

Two birds with one typeform

“We use our media and courses to educate founders, and eventually we invest if we find a great company and team,” Presh explains.

Yeah, LAUNCH does courses too. Presh teams up with the people who run the course-side of the business to make the registration form do more than just registration:

The typeform helps us identify startups that are attending our event. We collect info to find out if we’d like to invite them into our Accelerator or Founder University program.
Presh Dineshkumar, Head of Marketing at LAUNCH

The event registration form doubles up as a qualified lead generator.

So as well as asking for standard info like name and email, founders are also asked about the size, type, and revenue of their company. All while enjoying a beautiful photo of Sydney Opera House in the background.

If someone seems like a good course candidate based on their answers, LAUNCH follows up through an email drip campaign. Two birds with one typeform, see?

It’s a little more in-depth than your average registration form, but for Presh the benefit is clear:

Ultimately, by using Typeform we’re able to make better investment decisions.
Presh Dineshkumar, Head of Marketing at LAUNCH

But hang on, what if you want to attend and you’re not willing to launch your own company to do so?

Terms and conditions apply

That’s a nice way of saying you have to pay if you’re not a founder.

LAUNCH has different typeforms for different types of people. Depending on the options you pick, the forms use logic jump to find the right ticket for you.

And when it’s time to get the card out, the typeform seamlessly handles the payment using the Stripe integration. So people don’t slip through cracks of doubt between the form and a separate payment screen.

In fact, all of LAUNCH’s courses and events use Typeform for registration. Click ‘Register’ to check out the swanky Angel Summit form:

Is it hard to update them all every year? According to Presh, it’s no problem at all:

The forms are constantly being iterated, but it’s super easy and takes no time to do. Everyone on the team can use it.
Presh Dineshkumar, Head of Marketing at LAUNCH

Let’s go through the features that make LAUNCH’s typeforms a safe bet.

How did Presh do it?

1. Remove Typeform branding. Presh removes all traces of Typeform logos so their forms fully fit each of their website brands. Find out how to do this here.

2. Logic jump. Founders go to LAUNCH Festival for free. But if you’re in the founder sign-up form and shouldn’t be, the form changes based on your answers. Learn how to make your own forms work the doors here.

3. Stripe payments. Stripe takes secure payments from those who have to pay. To add this to your forms, pick the Payment question type. More info here.

4. File upload. Some of LAUNCH’s events need a photo to put on your pass. People can drag and drop their best LinkedIn face straight into the registration form. Details here.

What next?

Ready to launch your events to higher plane?

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