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FAQs: Typeform and Google Analytics

Typeform’s Google Analytics integration makes it easy to track activity on your typeforms and collect information with UTM codes. Have a question about using Typeform with Google Analytics? We’ve come up with a list of FAQs that we hope you’ll find helpful.

If you still have questions after reading this article, don’t hesitate to contact our Support team using the button at the bottom of the article.

You can find answers to some of the most common questions about making the switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) here

How can I set up an integration between Typeform and Google Analytics?

Check out our step-by-step guide here!

What Typeform events are tracked in Google Analytics?

  • When the respondent clicks the Next/Continue button on a question (TypeformQuestionPassed). Clicking buttons on Statement questions will not be tracked as an event. Scrolling past a question without answering will not be tracked as an event.
  • When a respondent hits the Submit button on a typeform (TypeformSubmit)

What information is passed inside the events?

Google Analytics collects the following information associated with each event:

1. Category: your typeform's UID. Unless you’re using a custom form ending, these are the characters that appear at the end of a typeform URL.

2. Action: either "TypeformQuestionPassed" or "TypeformSubmit", depending on whether the respondent has answered a question or completed the typeform

3. Label: the question title

How can I set up UTM tracking?

If you’re on a Business plan, you can track source and other respondent properties using UTM parameters. Here’s an easy guide to setting this up.

Using an embedded typeform? The UTM tracking parameters you’ve enabled will be included in Typeform’s embed code, and will also be tracked in Google Analytics.

How can I track which questions have been answered in my typeform?

Google Analytics logs an event every time a respondent clicks the Next/Continue button on a typeform question, except for Statement questions, which are not tracked.

Each of these events includes an action value (in this case, TypeformQuestionPassed), and a label value (the title of the question that was answered). You can view an events report broken down by action and label in the Reports section of your Google Analytics homepage, under Behavior > Events > Top Events.

To figure out the questions that are most commonly answered, click on Unique Events in the report.


You can also set up a goal in Google Analytics that tracks each time a certain question has been answered. Goals are a Google Analytics feature that tracks certain activities for easy reporting. In this case, you can focus on one particular question by setting up an event goal that tracks the TypeformQuestionPassed action and the question label together.

This help article from Google goes over setting up goals.

Can I track which answer option has been clicked when I embed my typeform in an email?

Yes, check out our instructions here for how to track which answer option has been clicked.

How can I track form drop-off in Google Analytics?

You can use event labels to track typeform drop-off. Each typeform is assigned to a different event category based on its form ID, and each question has a different label within that category, so it’s easy to see how many times respondents have answered a particular question.

To identify where form drop-off is happening, look for TypeformQuestionPassed events, which are triggered when a respondent clicks the Next/Continue button on a question. You can find these events in Google Analytics in the Behavior > Events > Top Events report.

To figure out where respondents drop off, click on Unique Events to see which question has the fewest answers.


How can I track when typeforms have been completed?

Every time a respondent submits one of your typeforms, the Google Analytics integration logs the action as TypeformSubmit. Each TypeformSubmit action also includes a category value that tells you which form was submitted. You can view an events report broken down by category and action in the Reports section of your Google Analytics homepage, under Behavior > Events > Top Events.


You can filter this event report by date.analytics3.png

You can also set up a goal in Google Analytics that tracks typeform completion (or conversion, as it’s known in the app). Goals are a Google Analytics feature that tracks certain activities for easy reporting. For example, you can set up an event goal associated with the action TypeformSubmit.

This help article from Google goes over setting up goals.

Is Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID compatible with Typeform?

Currently, the Typeform integration supports both Universal Analytics Tracking IDs (these IDs start with UA-) and the new Google Analytics 4 properties or Measurement IDs (which start with G-). You can find out more about what's going to happen to Universal Analytics here and learn how to switch to Google Analytics 4 here.

Why is Google Analytics missing data or missing respondents?

There are a few possible reasons for this:

1. Your respondents are looking at a typeform but not interacting with it - Google Analytics doesn’t track views or scrolls on a typeform, only actions like question or form submission.

2. You recently set up your Google Analytics integration. Analytics typically takes up to 24 hours to show data, so check back again soon.

3. There is a filter turned on in Google Analytics that is preventing typeform data from showing. Typeforms are loaded from a different domain (typically than your main website, so you should make sure that this domain is not filtered out of the reports. You can check and remove filters in Google Analytics under Admin > View > Filters.

4. Factors outside of Typeform’s control, like country-based data regulations, browser settings, or ad blockers, are preventing respondents from seeing and answering your typeform.

If you’re experiencing problems that don’t seem related to any of these possible causes, please reach out to our Support team using the button at the end of this article, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

How do I fix duplicated tracking records on my embedded typeform?

If the same Tracking ID is used for both your website and the typeform embedded on your website, your form-related events will show up as duplicates in Google Analytics.

To fix this, you’ll need to enable the shareGoogleAnalyticsInstance in the embedded form by adding it to your embed code. (Please note that this fix only works for embedded typeforms - if this doesn’t apply to you, reach out to our Support team using the button at the end of the article.)

If you are using an HTML snippet for the embed, you’ll insert the parameter as shown below:

<div data-tf-widget="<form-id>" data-tf-share-ga-instance></div>
<script src="//"></script>

If you’re using Typeform's SDK embed:

import { createWidget } from '@typeform/embed'
import '@typeform/embed/build/css/widget.css'

createWidget('<form-id>', { 
container: document.querySelector('#form'), 
shareGaInstance: true,

Does the integration work in Incognito/private windows?

Yes, when using the share URL of your typeform, the integration will still work if respondents interact with the form in an Incognito/private window.

However, Google Analytics events are not triggered if respondents interact with an embedded form in an Incognito window.

When a form is embedded within an iframe, it'll send a post message to the wrapper with the analytics key and this behavior is not allowed when using an Incognito window—you cannot send this type of data from an iframe.

Unfortunately, we're unable to assist in changing how Google Analytics works with embedded forms in Incognito windows. 

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