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Use Typeform to capture leads through contact forms

Generate leads and grow your contact lists with Typeform.

Capture leads by creating simple contact forms with Typeform that you can then feed into the contact lists of your favorite tools with the help of our native integrations.

You can scroll through the article or click one of the links below to jump to the section that stands out to you most:

- Create a simple contact form

- Personalize your form

- Connect your form to your favorite tools

- Get your form in front of the right audience

Create a simple contact form

Create a short, professional-looking, and user-friendly contact form in a matter of minutes using the Typeform builder. To get started, just add a Short Text question to ask for people’s name, and an Email, a Phone Number, and a Website question to ask for contact information from your respondents.

Check out this article for a step-by-step guide on how to create a website contact form.

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Alternatively, you can add a Contact Info question type to collect all the contact details you need from your respondents in a single step. 

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You can either start from scratch, or work with one of the curated templates designed by our team. In this example, we’re using this online contact form template for illustration that you can also start working with in just a few clicks.

To customize the design of your form, head to the Design panel where you can find all the tools you’ll need to add some great visuals to your form, or you can also get started with one of our Premium themes (available with a Plus plan or above).

Tip: Take your relationship with your new contacts one step further, and let them set up a meeting with you using the Calendly question type. You can even use the power of Logic to let them schedule meetings with your colleagues in different time zones.

Personalize your form

You can use Typeform’s Recall information feature to add a personal touch to your contact forms.

Simply type @ to recall information you’ve collected from your contacts in a previous question. For example, you can call people by their name if you’ve already asked them what their name is.

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Another great option is to add Hidden Fields to the URL of your form for contacts you already know. For example, you can create a name and an email Hidden Field to add onto your form’s URL. If you already have this information about your contact, you can add it to the URL and it will automatically be populated in your form.

If you’re sharing your form on social media or sending it out as part of an email campaign, you can also set up UTM tracking in Typeform to see what’s driving traffic to your contact form.

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If you’ve already built a contact list in a CRM tool like HubSpot or Mailchimp, you can also use Hidden Fields to automatically populate your form with information you already know about your contacts.

Connect your form to your favorite tools

You don’t have to abandon your favorite tools when you start using Typeform. Chances are, our team has already built a native integration that you can use to connect to another app.

Head to the Connect panel to browse through or search for integrations, or use Zapier to connect hundreds of other apps to your form.


Here are just a few examples of how you can collect contacts and leads with Typeform and your favorite CRM tool:

- Collect and update contacts, companies, and deals in HubSpot with Typeform

- Grow your Drip list and get to know your customers with Typeform

- Send leads to Zoho from a form

If you’re ready to start collecting new leads, you can also check out these research-driven tips to capture leads with Typeform.

Get your form in front of the right audience

Getting your form in front of the right audience without being too intrusive can be the key to capturing new leads. Once your form is ready to go, head to the Share panel to learn about all the ways you can make the world see your contact form.

If you’re using your shiny new contact form in an email campaign, you can launch it directly in an email using a CRM tool, and you can even add the magic of some HubSpot personalization tokens to give it a more personal touch.

If you already have your own website ready, worry not—you can seamlessly embed your contact form on websites like WordPress or Squarespace for an on-brand user experience.

Looking for more inspiring ideas for your contact form? You can find out how to track the source of your embedded forms with HubSpot here, or how to customize your typeform’s URL for a more on-brand experience here.

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