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How Dollar Flight Club manages leads using Typeform, HubSpot, and Slack

“The first rule of Dollar Flight Club is that you don’t talk about Dollar Flight Club”. Actually, that’s rubbish. We were more than happy to sing about this company’s Typeform use case on our blog.

The company partners with advertisers to serve flight deals to its subscribers. They are using Typeform to acquire leads for their partnerships program. Kyle Maltz, Director of Sales and Partnerships at Dollar Flight Club told us how they created a simple yet eye-catching contact form then rigged it up to HubSpot and Slack to make sure every opportunity was pounced on.

Dollar Flight Club’s solution consists of:

1. A form to collect details from companies interested in partnering with them.

2. A HubSpot integration to send the data to Dollar Flight Club’s marketing and CRM software.

3. A Slack integration to send the sales team and alert when a new prospect completes the form.

Here’s what the form looks like:

Here, we explain how all of this was set up, allowing you to build a similar solution to capture and manage leads yourself:

Creating the form

Dollar Flight Club adapted our Contact Form template to create their lead generation form. They personalized the template with their own questions to capture information from companies that were interested in partnering or advertising with them. Here’s what’s inside it:

1. The Welcome Screen ushers people into this simple form. Dollar Flight Club added their own company logo (see how, here), amended the intro text, and changed the call to action in the button text.

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2. Contact information is captured in a conversational way. The respondent’s name is piped into the Email question to make things feel a bit friendlier. All of the contact information is set to ‘Required’ as it’s essential to be able to send to Dollar Flight Club’s CRM (read on to find out how this is done).

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3. Dollar Flight Club added a couple of Multiple Choice questions to be able to funnel leads based on their budget and the type of collaboration they’re looking for.

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4. The form was then embedded on the Dollar Flight Club site where it can be completed by potential partners. Check out this Help Center article to find out how to embed your form.

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Sending leads data to HubSpot

In order to integrate results with their sales pipeline, Dollar Flight Club sends the contact information they collect through the typeform to both HubSpot and the HubSpot CRM. At the moment they are doing this via Zapier.

You can read more about how the workflow is set up on Zapier’s blog and click here to set the Zap up for yourself.

Alternatively, you can use Typeform’s native HubSpot integration to send the data. 

 After you've connected HubSpot to your form, log into your HubSpot account and you’ll be able access this new lead via your Contacts.

Screenshot showing updated HubSpot contact

Sending new leads to the sales team via Slack

Besides sending new lead information to HubSpot, Dollar Flight Club also pushes the contact data collected to the sales team’s Slack channel so they can respond accordingly. This is done by connecting the form to the company’s Slack account via Typeform's native Slack integration. Here’s how it works, in case you want to set up something similar yourself:

1. Go to the Connect panel and scroll down to or search for Slack, then click Connect next to the integration.

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2. Click Authenticate to sign into your Slack account.

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3. Now select the channels you wish to send the entries to from the dropdown list and the questions you want to include the responses to using the checkboxes. Click Save when you're done with your selection.

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4. The Slack integration has been activated in the Connect panel. You can click the three dots next to it to edit or delete the integration. As an alternative, you can also check out Zapier to connect your Typeform and Slack accounts.

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5. Once the responses start to roll in, a new message will be sent to the selected Slack channel every time someone submits your form. Here’s how an example message might look in Dollar Flight Club’s channel:

Screenshot showing example of Slack message

Now it’s over to you…

That’s how Dollar Flight Club made a lead capture form and integrated it with their sales and marketing stack to be able to respond to new opportunities quickly and effectively.

As you can see, it’s all pretty simple to set up. If you do need some help getting set up you can grab the Contact Form template that Dollar Flight Club used, here, and use this to start you off.

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