
Activating your Typeform account

When you sign up for a Typeform account, we send you an email to verify it’s really you.

Once you’ve signed up for an account, you’ll see this screen:


To activate your account, open your email app, and look for an email from Typeform with the subject Activate your Typeform account. Open this email and click the Activate my account button inside:



I signed up for an account, but can’t see an email from Typeform.

  • Check your Spam folder. Our activation emails sometimes land in spam folders. Open your email application, and check your Spam folder. Here’s how to do that.
  • Wait 15 minutes. Our activation emails may occasionally take some time to reach your inbox, so check your inbox and spam folders again after 15 minutes.

If you still haven’t found an activation email from Typeform, please contact support using the button at the end of this article.

Why have I received an email from Typeform?

If you got an email from us, that means you have signed up for a Typeform account with your email address. Not sure what Typeform is? Read about us here. If you want to delete your account, this article explains how.  Want to stop receiving emails from us? Here’s how to change your email preferences.

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