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Typeform API personal access token

Need to use Typeform’s Create, Responses and Webhooks APIs? You’ll need to generate your personal access token and pass it in the Authorization header of your requests.

For more information on creating forms, retrieving responses and configuring webhooks, check out our API documentation.

To generate your personal access token:

1. Log in to your Typeform account, click on your alias in the upper right corner of your Workspace and then click Your settings.


2. In the left menu, click Personal tokens.


3. Click Generate a new token.


4. Enter a name for your token in the Token name field.


5. Select the scopes you need and click Generate token. Click here for more information on scopes.


6. Your personal access token will appear, make sure you click Copy.


7. To regenerate or delete a token, click the 3 dots.


Note! Typeform is a Github secret scanning partner. If you’re using Github secret scanning, any Typeform personal access token added to a repository will be detected by Github. Once detected, it will automatically be disabled and you’ll receive an email notification about the incident. 

Have questions about our API or need some help troubleshooting? Click here for our API troubleshooting tips and FAQ.

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