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A Typeform glossary

Hey there! This list covers some of the terms you may come across while using Typeform. We’ve also provided links to relevant help center material, so you can start creating as quickly as possible.  

Create panel - The Create panel is where you can create and edit your form’s questions, jazz up your form’s design, set up any necessary Logic, and change a few additional settings.


Connect panel - The Connect panel makes it easy to integrate your form with dozens of popular apps. Read more about integrations here


Endings - An Ending is the final screen that your respondents will see upon finishing a form. Learn more about Endings here.


Hidden Fields - Hidden Fields, which are a feature in Logic, are values relating to respondent information, like name or email, that you can preload in your form’s URL without your respondent needing to enter them. The form can display these values when opened, and the values will also appear in your form’s results. Learn more about Hidden Fields here

Layout - Use Layout options to position an image or GIF to a question in your form. Layout options are shown in the Question tab of the Create panel. You can select to have different layouts for mobile and desktop devices. 


Logic and branching - In Typeform, Logic refers to the creation of rules that show your respondents different follow-up questions or outcomes based on how they've answered previous questions in the form. You can set up Logic in the Logic tab of the Create panel.


Use Branching and calculations within Logic to show respondents only the questions that are most relevant to them. You can also set up variables or Hidden Fields using Logic.  

Logic Map - The Logic Map lives in the Logic tab of the Create panel. It’s a visual aid showing the paths of any logic you’ve set up for the form. This is the Logic Map for a form with branching set up at several points.


Outcome quiz - This Logic feature lets you link answer choices to different Endings. Respondents will see different Endings based on their combination of answers. Read more about Outcome quizzes here

Recall information - Recall information allows you to directly reference previous answers, variables, or Hidden Field values to create a personalized experience for your form respondent. Access Recall information in question titles and answers by typing @, which will bring up a list of available values. Read more about Recall information here.


Reports - Once your form has started getting responses, create printable and online reports in the Summary tab of the Results panel. Read more about Reports here

Results panel - This panel lets you see answers to your form, as well as prepare reports. Learn more about the Results panel here


Score quiz - This Logic feature lets you assign point values to different answer choices in your form. Respondents will see different Endings based on the point total of their answers. Read more about Score quizzes here

Share panel - You’ve decided to put your form out into the world, and the Share panel lets you decide how. This panel shows options for sharing through a link, email, or website embed. Read more about sharing options here


Variables - Variables, which are a feature in Logic, are numeric or textual elements whose value can be changed throughout a form based on a respondent’s answers. They are particularly useful for jobs like calculating price totals or creating short text that refers to previous answers. Read more about variables here

Welcome Screen - A Welcome Screen is the initial screen that your respondents will see when they start a form. Learn more about Welcome Screens here


Workspace - Workspaces function similarly to computer desktops: they display your forms for easy access, and you’ll see the Workspace each time you log into your Typeform account. You can organize forms in different workspaces, and depending on your account plan, you may be able to share workspaces with others. Read more about workspaces here


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